Monday, April 30, 2012

District Committee Meeting - April 30

Monday, April 30, 2012
Facilitator - John Waldren, District Administrator of Special Projects
Committee Members:
Elementary School Representatives
Kathy Campbell - Washington, 3rd Grade & MYD Trainer
Andi Brizendine - Washington, Specialist & MYD Trainer
Kelly Ottley - Columbia, Counselor
Ryan Weaver - Mission View, 4th Grade
Middle School Representatives
Debi Carlson - Orchard
Susie Choman - Pioneer
Administrator Representatives
Tim Sheppard - Lincoln
Parents Representatives
Michelle Jobe
Jennifer Talbot
Anna Riggan
Connie Toth

Purpose and Charge of WSD School Behavior Management Committee - Spring 2012

•Review the best practice research on positive behavioral supports and develop a framework that includes the essential components and universals that are needed in a school behavior management model.
•Incorporate a self-assessment survey tool that schools can use in assessing and planning  best practices alignment.
•Prioritize the best practices and essential components so that schools have a starting point for improving upon their school behavior management model.
•Provide a phased implementation plan for schools to use in their planning process.
Take Away from Meeting


o   Continued sharing LNQ (Likes, Notes, & Questions) on University of Kansas Information on SWPBS (School-Wide Positive Behavior Support).
o   Shared LNQ (Likes, Notes, & Questions) on Best Practices in Developing a Positive Behavior Support System at the School Level by Brian C. McKevitt of University of Nebraska at Omaha & Angelisa D. Brassksma of Heartland Area Education Agency 11 (IA)

Next Meeting

On Monday, May 7, 2012, the committee members will attend a one day overview of PBIS presented by Dr. Flint Simonsen, NorthWest PBIS Board Member and Trainer.

District Committee Meeting - April 24

2nd School Behavior Management Committee Meeting
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Facilitator - John Waldren, District Administrator of Special Projects
Committee Members:
Elementary School Representatives
Kathy Campbell - Washington, 3rd Grade & MYD Trainer
Andi Brizendine - Washington, Specialist & MYD Trainer
Kelly Ottley - Columbia, Counselor
Ryan Weaver - Mission View, 4th Grade (not present at this meeting)
Middle School Representatives
Debi Carlson - Orchard
Susie Choman - Pioneer
Administrator Representatives
Tim Sheppard - Lincoln
Chad Morgan - Foothills (no longer on committee)
Parents Representatives
Michelle Jobe
Jennifer Talbot
Anna Riggan
Connie Toth

Take Away from Meeting

Purpose and Charge of WSD School Behavior Management Committee - Spring 2012

•Review the best practice research on positive behavioral supports and develop a framework that includes the essential components and universals that are needed in a school behavior management model.
•Incorporate a self-assessment survey tool that schools can use in assessing and planning  best practices alignment.
•Prioritize the best practices and essential components so that schools have a starting point for improving upon their school behavior management model.
•Provide a phased implementation plan for schools to use in their planning process.

Revised and commented on shared beliefs on social/emotional development & school behavior management.


by Brian C. McKevitt of University of Nebraska at Omaha & Angelisa D. Brassksma of Heartland Area Education Agency 11 (IA)
·         Read "What is SWPBS?" from

Friday, April 27, 2012

Stay informed & involved!

As the Wenatchee School District works on making changes to the current school-wide behavior program, it is important for parents, staff, students, and community members to stay informed.  Look at your email list.  If you are on Facebook, look at your friend list.  Do you know if your friends are aware of the potential changes coming?  Would you want to be left out of the loop?  Join or add friends to the Facebook group, Make Your Day - Time for Change, or email a link to this Blog.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

District Committee Meeting - April 16

1st School Behavior Management Committee Meeting
Monday, April 16, 2012
Facilitator - John Waldren, District Administrator of Special Projects
Committee Members:
Elementary School Representatives
Kathy Campbell - Washington, 3rd Grade & MYD Trainer
Andi Brizendine - Washington, Specialist & MYD Trainer
Kelly Ottley - Columbia, Counselor
Ryan Weaver - Mission View, 4th Grade (not present at this meeting)
Middle School Representatives
Debi Carlson - Orchard
Susie Choman - Pioneer
Administrator Representatives
Tim Sheppard - Lincoln
Chad Morgan - Foothills (not present at this meeting)
Parents Representatives
Michelle Jobe
Jennifer Talbot
Anna Riggan
Connie Toth
Note: Superintendent Brian Flones & Ron Brown, Director of Instructional Technology and Assessment & MYD Supervisor were present for this meeting.

Take Away from Meeting

Purpose by Superintendent Brian Flones
Developed a Code of Cooperation & Collective Commitments
Talked about doing the work - where we begin
Shared beliefs on social/emotional development & school behavior management
Acronyms & their meaning - SWPBS, BEST, MYD, PBIS
Homework Assignment

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Thank you for your positive letters. I spoke with the Superintendent on Wednesday. He appreciates the support and has shared the encouragement with the school board. KEEP IT GOING!

Reference: Action Plan #4 & Examples for Action Plan #4

First committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 16. The committee members that I know of so far include parents - Michelle Jobe, Anna Riggan, Connie Toth, and myself (Jennifer Talbot); district staff - Kathy Campbell, Andi Brizendine, Kelli Ottley, Ryan Weaver, Dave Carlson, Chad Morgan, and Ron Brown. John Waldren is the committee chair. The first meeting will be attended by Brian Flones.

Reference: Special Presentation to Wenatchee School Board

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Examples for Action Plan #4

Dear Brian,

 I want to personally write and say thank you for taking action in addressing concerns about the MYD behavior program. Thank you for developing a committee of administrators, staff and parents that can actively look at MYD and see how it compares to other behavior programs across the nation. Being actively involved in three different schools over the last 6 years, I have seen a need for change with the MYD discipline program.  I have come to many School Board meetings to express this concern.  I am excited to see that a plan has been developed.  I know that it is your desire to have the Wenatchee School District be up to date on the most current researched, evidence based, highly effective models available for a successful behavior program for all kids.

 I am confident that as this committee is looking into positive based models, they will be convinced that many elements of these programs are a must for kids to be successful. I know that change is hard, but it is needed to have successful growth and positive outcomes in any profession. Thank you for taking this step and getting the discussion started in how best to serve ALL the kids here in the Wenatchee School District. 

Dear Superintendent  Flones:

We write to express our initial feelings of confidence in our children’s future educational experience in the Wenatchee School District.  Although our children (ages 1 and 4) are presently too young to attend Wenatchee schools, we are very concerned about how the Make Your Day model would adversely affect their education.
We support the recommendations to the Wenatchee School Board regarding the need to review the evidence-based research concerning student behavior models and to allow implementation of more effective models such as Positive Behavior Intervention and support (PBIS).   We appreciate the decision to create a committee to review current research to improve the Wenatchee School District’s student behavior support model.

At the same time, we anticipate that this decision to support reviewing student behavior models is more than a mere window dressing to placate the many in our community who oppose Make Your Day.  We hope that these recommendations are indeed a sincere effort by the District to phase out and replace Make Your Day with a PBIS model.

Like so many District parents, we value our children’s education and view school discipline to be crucial in their development.  We believe that a PBIS model will assist all children in the District, including our own, to appropriately define and meet their behavioral expectations.

Thank you for listening to our community.

Dear Brian Flones and School Board Members:

                Our two daughters have greatly benefited from Wenatchee School District. Their experiences with Washington Elementary and now, with our oldest at Pioneer Middle School have been very positive for them overall. All teachers they have encountered have been good. A few have been exceptional!

                One of the lessons they have learned through their  teachers is the importance of lifelong learning. They've learned that learning is fun and that we should always strive to improve ourselves. They have learned that lifelong learning is one important way we grow as human beings.

                That's why I wanted to write to voice my support for the reevaluation of the “Make Your Day” program. If there's something better out there – we owe it to our children to investigate it fully, and implement anything we find that can improve our already strong school system. Our systems can and should be lifelong learners too. We can and should continuously strive to make things better. If PBIS, or any other research based system, can help us have classrooms where more students, and as many students thrive as possible, please allow us to learn from it.

                I have heard that there is some resistance to making changes in our existing classroom management system. They will always be those who feel threatened by change, or feel that to change is somehow to discredit the value of the way things have been done in the past. Such feelings are understandable – but I hope they will not stand in the way of us doing what is right and best for our kids. We can learn from the past, learn in the present, and strive to continue learning in the future.

                Thank you for not only teaching, but modelling lifelong learning to all our kids.

Dear Brian,

Thank you for providing key leadership and direction to form a Best Practices Committee to review current research and best practices for the WSD student behavior model.  As superintendent, you have a responsibility to both listen and respond to all stakeholders in our public school system.  Thank you for taking this responsibility seriously, especially in the context of the Wenatchee Learns process.  I’ve often heard you state your goal to have a world-class school district, and this goal implies a willingness to continually learn and adjust, based on best practice research.

Your decision to from this committee aligns with the WSD mission statement posted on the website:
Our mission is to
• personally know and encourage students as individual learners and recognize their academic, citizenship and co-curricular accomplishments;
• assist students to learn and apply essential skills and values to be contributing community citizens with a global perspective;
• challenge students to continually stretch and grow while working with family and community as active partners.

The geographic isolation of Wenatchee often results in insular decisions, made without investigation into how other communities approach problems and seek solutions.  Wenatchee School District needs move away from this approach and investigate how other districts use behavior models to encourage and assist students as their grow to be contributing adult citizens of our community.

Change is hard.  I can understand that teachers and principals will find it difficult to think about using a new system.  However, we must face the reality that the current system does not focus on teaching student how to behave, but instead makes the assumption that all students have  fully-formed brains making conscious decisions about their behavior, without any input or guidance into learning alternative ways to get attention.  

Thank you for taking action to implement a data-driven decision making process.

Dear Superintendent Flones:

I was excited when I read about the community interest in PBIS and your support for a student behavior model endorsed by the United States Department of Education.  PBIS meets this requirement. 

In addition, The National PTA endorses PBIS in their 2012 General Education Federal Policy Recommendations.  While raising my children, I was active in PTA at the local, district, state, and then national levels.  Consequently, I am familiar with the PTA process and value PTA recommendations. 

Your leadership using the PBIS framework will provide a model for surrounding districts in Washington and enhance the behavior and academic performance for all students. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

WSD Parent Survey 2012

The WSD Parent Survey is out!  Please check your child's backpack.  Although the School District is working on an action plan for changing or modifying our current behavior program, this survey will still be regarded by the District and School Board.  The results will be reviewed in May which is before the School Board votes on the committee's recommendation.  Questions #36-42 deal directly with Make Your Day.  Questions #8, 10, & 16 deal with your school's current behavior management effectiveness.  Please make sure to fill out your survey and return it to your child's school promptly.  Spread the word!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Action Plan #4

If you are not aware, March 13 was a historic moment at the Wenatchee School Board meeting. Superintendent Brian Flones presented a recommended action plan in favor of alternatives to Make Your Day:

"In order to address both the concerns from our stakeholders and the need to continually improve and align our student behavior support model with current research and best practices I am recommending the following action:

1. Form a committee of administrators, staff, and parents to review current research and best practices (i.e. PBIS framework) that will be used to improve our current Make Your Day model and for any new model.

2. Allow schools to modify or adjust components of Make Your Day to meet the criteria of the framework and guidelines.

3. Allow schools to use a different student behavior support model that is endorsed by the United States Department of Education as a research based best practice.

The timeframe for the committee work will be over the next three months with a recommendation made to the school board by June 12, 2012. Schools will be allowed to continue with Make Your Day or pursue a new model beginning in the 2012-13 school year."

Excerpt from March 13, 2012 Letter to the (WSD) Board of Directors from Brian Flones, Superintendent (WSD)

I met with Superintendent Flones on March 29 and am concerned about the negative feedback he is receiving from his teachers and administrators. Of course, this was expected as change is difficult and creates fear in any organization. However, I would like to counter this with some "positive behavior support".

If you would, please consider writing to Brian Flones with copies to each school board member. This letter would be a thank you note regarding his action of forming a committee to look at research, evidence, and best practices and his support of PBIS as a model for Wenatchee Schools.

Read Brian's school board letter and the hand-out from the March 12th information night to assist you in letter writing. A letter is preferred over email and copies for board members can be sent to the district office. My goal is to have a massive amount of positive feedback to Brian (and the school board) before our first committee meeting on April 16.

Thank you so much for everything you have done over the past years to pave the way for a healthy change today.

Jennifer Talbot

Superintendent Brian Flones
School Board Members
Gary Callison
Jesus Hernandez
Kevin Gilbert
Dr. Walter Newman
Laura Jaecks

Wenatchee School District
P.O. Box 1767
Wenatchee, WA  98801
235 Sunset Avenue
(behind Orchard Middle School)

Video Examples of PBIS

An example of PBIS model Tier 1 - teaching expectations - at an elemenatary school. Source:

This is an example of a Tier 2 intervention. Once expectations are taught and reviewed at the Tier 1 level, some students (typically 5-10%) will still struggle to meet expectations. Source: Milwaukee Public Schools