School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in Washington State

What is PBIS?

PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) is a pro-active, systems level approach that enables schools to effectively and efficiently support student (and staff) behavior. PBIS asks schools to select outcomes, data, evidence-based practices, and systems that are contextually appropriate and meaningful for the school to promote student success. PBIS can be implemented in all grades Pre-K to12.                        

Components of PBIS:
·        Defined social expectations across all settings (classroom and non-classroom)
·        Developed plans to teach, review and reward social expectations
·        Established clear and consistent plans to respond to inappropriate behavior
·        Schoolwide emphasis on social and emotional learning
·        Established programs in place for students needing greater support
·        Engagement of the family and community in the school

Results from Schools Implementing PBIS for 1-4 years:
·        Reductions of 20%-60% in office discipline referrals
·        Reductions in suspensions/expulsions and drop-out rates
·        Reductions in referrals to special education for emotional/behavioral disabilities
·        Increases in instructional time and academic gains
·        Increases in school safety
·        Increases in reported staff and parent satisfaction

Who is implementing PBIS?
Nationally, over 20,000 schools are engaged in adoption of PBIS. In total, 47 states (including DC), report some level of implementation. Currently Illinois has the most schools implementing SWPBIS, with over 1,100 schools. As of 2012, 33 states have a state leadership team in place to coordinate PBIS efforts. President Obama and Secretary of Education Duncan are amongst the supporters of PBIS.

What is happening in Washington State?
Currently about 425 schools in Washington are implementing PBIS. OSPI has recently dedicated staff time and resources to support PBIS. Washington will host it fourth annual PBIS conference in November of 2013.

For more information visit www.pbisnetwork.org
or contact Lori Lynass Ed.D., Executive Director at 206-261-5314
Join the Facebook Group - PBIS for Washington state schools

WELCOME and THANK YOU for coming to our information meeting
- Positive Behavior Support for our Schools -
March 12, 2012
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
A model formulated by researched best practices and by education and behavior scholars.
·         Research and Evidence - PBIS cites over 130 research publications dated from 1983 to 2009.
·         Framework & Guidelines - Pyramid Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) are evidence based practices used for both Academics and Behavior. 
·         Support - PBIS is acknowledged and supported by the U.S. Department of Education and the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
·         Network - The National Technical Assistance Center on PBIS is a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Education and 11 Technical Assistance Centers across our nation.  These  Centers provide everything from training, program development, and technical assistance.  PBIS has a large network of support available at national, state, and local levels. 
·         Schools - There are over 16,000 schools nationwide using PBIS.  Over 400 hundred of those schools are in the State of Washington.
For more information:
NorthWest PBIS - http://www.pbisnetwork.org/
U.S. Department of Education - http://www.ed.gov/ - search PBIS (www2.ed.gov/espanol)

State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction - http://www.k12.wa.us/ - search PBIS

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