Excerpt from General Education - Federal Policy Recommendations
• Require “school-parent compacts” to support school and family partnerships in the development of recommendations for
student attendance, expectations and supports for student behaviors. Compacts must include rational disciplinary policies that
include the implementation of school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) or similar evidence-based
programs, and phase-out zero-tolerance policies and out-of-school suspension that contribute to the achievement gap.
• Increase investment for technical assistance, training, and implementation of the PBIS model of addressing behavioral
problems in schools, making it an allowable use of funds under ESEA-NCLB.
• Assist states in the development and implementation of integrated data systems in schools and districts,
allowing for:
1. Improved accuracy and consistency of local data on attendance maintained by individual schools and district-wide;
2. Improved monitoring and reporting on chronic absenteeism by grade school and by school; and
3. Use of data to inform implementation of school-wide strategies and to trigger supports and strength-based interventions
for students and their families.
Many states in the United States have policy or initiatives regarding PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support). This offers support for schools or districts within the state i.e. grant funds for implementation, training, and additional networking.
National PTA is lobbying for more support at the National level. Wouldn't it be fantastic to have more support at the Washington State level? If you are able, please email a quick note to Washington State PTA in support of PBIS. I have already submitted a proposal through the following process.
Even though the 2012 Legislature is barely finished, it’s time to start thinking about Washington State PTA’s legislative platform for the 2013 and 2014 legislative sessions. WSPTA’s advocacy efforts are guided by our Legislative Principles, Resolutions and by the platform adopted by your delegates to the WSPTA Legislative Assembly held each year. All previous short term issues adopted in October of 2010 and 2011 have expired, and an entirely new list of top issues will be adopted at this year’s Legislative Assembly, which will be October 19-20, 2012 at the SeaTac Marriott. This is a member driven process—any member can submit a proposed issue for consideration. More information about the issues process –including the form used to propose an issue for consideration—is available in the Advocacy section of the Washington State PTA website. The deadline for submission is June 1, 2012, so now is the time to let your voice be heard.